Literatur (Auswahl)

Heringlake M, Sehested J, Bahlmann L, Paarmann H, Groesdonk H., Klaus S, Pagel H (2011)
The effects of ethanol and vasopressin on renal function in the isolated perfused rat kidney.
Appl Cardiopulmon Pathophyiol 15, 24-28

Pagel H (2011)
Doping – die neue Unübersichtlichkeit.
In: Dannenmann F, Meutgens R, Singler A (Hrsg) Sportpädagogik als humanistische Herausforderung.
Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Gerhard Treutlein.
Shaker, Aachen, 225-235

Pagel H, Jelkmann W (2011)
In. Krämer I, Jelkmann W (Hrsg) Rekombinante Arzneimittel – Medizinischer Fortschritt durch Biotechnologie. Springer, Berlin, 2. Aufl., 73-88

Heringlake M, Pagel H, Schön J, Groesdonk HV (2010)
A kidney cannot succeed days after cardiac surgery when on high dose of furosemide.
Crit Care Med 38, 2423

Groesdonk HV, Bauer A, Kreft B, Heringlake M, Paarmann H, Pagel H (2009)
Urodilatin and pentoxifylline prevent the early onset of Escherichia coli-induced acute renal failure in a model of isolated perfused rat kidney.
Kidney Blood Press Res 32, 81-90

Wussow U von, Klaus J, Pagel H (2005)
Is the renal production of erythropoietin controlled by the brain stem?
Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 289, E82-E86

Pagel H, Hoffmann G, Fuchs D, Schobersberger W (2004)
On the mechanisms of the neopterin-induced suppression of renal erythropoietin production.
Pteridines 15, 28-32

Heringlake M, Klaus S, Bahlmann L, Pagel H, Sehested J (2003)
The renal excretion of urodilatin in humans is related to variations in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
J. Appl. Res., Vol. 3, Iss. 2

Linden T, Katschinski DM, Eckhardt K, Scheid A, Pagel H, Wenger RH (2003)
The antimycotic cicloprirox olamine induces HIF-1a stability, VEGF expression, and angiogenesis.
FASEB J. 17, 761-763

Dick K, Dibbelt L, Rob PM, Pagel H (2001)
Renal handling of magnesium.
Trace Elem. Electrol. 18, 59-64

Heringlake M, Bahlmann L, Klaus S, Wagner K, Schmucker P, Pagel H (2001)
Effects of angiotensin II and the AT1 receptor antagonist Losartan on the renal excretion of urodilatin.
Kidney Blood Press. Res. 24, 79-83

Kreft B, Pagel H (2000)
Virulence factors of Escherichia coli contribute to acute renal failure.
Exp. Nephrol. 8, 244-251